Node set up

Now you can use official documentation.

I was glad to help you ;)

It is recommended to use Ubuntu 20.04

Setting up an environment:

sudo apt-get update
curl -sSf | bash -s -- --fast 
source ~/.cargo/env

Clone repo and build the node:

git clone
cd HydraDX-node
cargo build --release

If you get an error that git is not installed on your system, install it:

sudo apt install git

To run a benchmark Python 3.8+ is required.‌

Installing Python 3.9:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.9

If you have problems installing via apt you can compile python3.9 from source according to the guide.‌

If you have different versions of Python installed and the benchmark runs on the old one by default, you can specify which version to use to run it:

sed -i "s|python3 |python3.9 |g " ./scripts/

Run the benchmark:


If you get an error Toolchain ...... Nightly toolchain required:

git fetch
git checkout bench-perf-update
rustup default nightly

After a few minutes you will get a result like:

HydraDX Node Performance check ...
Running benchmarks - this may take a while...
         Pallet          |   Time comparison (µs)    |     diff*     |
amm                      |     1030.0 vs 1035.2      |      -5       |     OK
exchange                 |    1108.08 vs 1109.01     |       0       |     OK
transaction_multi_payment|      281.0 vs 277.87      |       3       |     OK

If all 3 results are OK, your server has successfully passed the test and is ready to start the node.

At this stage you can stop until the HydraDX team publishes information about the upcoming testnet.

As a test, you can run a stakenet node in the lerna chain.

I recommend using tmux or systemd

./target/release/hydra-dx --chain lerna

If you want to set a name for your node (by default, a random one is generated on every startup), use the --name key:

./target/release/hydra-dx --chain lerna --name "User #NodeBook"

I will really appreciate it if you include the #NodeBook hashtag in the node name :)

The list of nodes in the network can be found here.‌

If your node is running "strange", you can restart it and display the logs to identify problems:

RUST_LOG=debug RUST_BACKTRACE=1 ./target/release/hydra-dx -lruntime=debug  --chain lerna

Last updated

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